Dear Diary...
mardi 19 mai 2009


sigh. If I were to say that I am neither sad nor disappointed, I had to be lying.
After all, stepping down in an improper manner/unglam manner, does not seem nor sound to be a perfect end to 3 years of hard work and dedication.

But after this incident, I now feel even more thankful and grateful towards Mr Goh, Mr Teo and Mrs Chua for their graciousness and faith in me. I thank them for believing my promise to them that I will put NCC air above the Prefectorial Board. I thank them for believing that I will still be able to dedicate fully to NCC air despite my position in the Prefectorial Board. And I thank them for allowing me to embark on this wonderful journey.

Despite the bumps, I honestly, thoroughly enjoyed this Tour Of Duty along with fellow EXCOs, Wei Lun Nobel and Zong.
My sympathies are with Martin. For accepting everyone's comments, both good and bad. Turning a deaf ear to all the gossip, and remained big-hearted despite all the atrocities (that are unexpected of a Prefect to commit) that are done onto him. I commend him for his courage in letting go of something he felt wasn't fighting for anymore, since he couldn't get other's blessings, especially from the persons he wished receive from the most. I admire his patience and graciousness, to accept other's shortcomings, and never blaming those who were prejudiced against him.

But ultimately, I sympathise with his unfortunate decision.


sometimes, unknowingly or knowingly, we participate in others' dreams. Dreams that were supposed to belong to them, and only them.

What right have we to interfere with others' dreams?

Those who behaved inappropriately towards Martin in the short 2 days he had been an EXCO-elect, IF you guys HAVE ANY CONSCIENCE, please show some REMORSE. For those with MORE GUTS, go APOLOGISE to him IN PERSON.

Anyway, thanks Martin for everything. We all believe you'll still serve PB wholeheartedly despite recieving the CO Secretary position. :) Me thinks your courage and daring is a good model for the others to follow. :)

And before I forget. Kudos to Zheng Yee also. Heard from Nobel that you were the only one who stood by Martin when he was at his lowest, and being there with him when they were gossiping about him, and being the only one who came up to us and told us about the arising conflict between Martin and the other sec 3s. Good Job. :D

empty chair.

Au Revoir


he closed his diary at {22:48}

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Probably 1 of the thousands of babies born in 1993,
Got his first whack on the ass on the morning of 030993. It was a Friday.
Preparing to face the world now in Catholic High School.

This guy is/was a:

:;Part D UDI:: 2008 (technically, but not in name)
::Part A UDI:: 2009
in the CHS NCC (Air) Unit
::Programmes Coordinator:: of the CHS Prefectorial Board.
::Marksman::! x3
::Outdoor Adventure Leader::
::2 Star Kayaker::
::Bronze Swimmer:: (i'd drown)
::Pencil artist::
::Vector artist::
::Amateur Photographer::
::Amateur Pool Player::
Last but not least, he THINKS he is a pretty nice guy :) (He actually is.)

He has so many likes, dislikes, and wishes that they have to be put into lists below. read more...

I blog what i like =] i like many things.

I ♥ her

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