Dear Diary...
The world needs love.
mercredi 11 mars 2009

Yes. The world needs love.

You know, the economic crisis is caused by greed, the lack of trust, misuse of trust and selfishness. It is. And everyone cheats, lies, works hard, dies for: Money. Why should money exist in the first place?

Money was used as a form of trade. It was a tool of trade. Which might be the worst invention ever made. Somehow, because of money, we forget about a word, named "share".

Because of our self-centred mindset, we expect to have some form of return for everything we put in and give, and that was how money came about. And it is because of money, we have economic crises and whatnot today.

In my mind is a picture of the ideal world. I wonder if anyone has heard about this analogy before.

In Hell, everyone scrambles to get themselves a mouthful of soup form a huge pot, and end up spilling soup all over.

In Heaven, everyone feeds one another, making sure everyone has enough.

You see, if we were to be selfish and care only about ourselves, we would end up losing, rather than gaining. However, if ALL of us are open-hearted, and ready to share, we only stand to gain. But fragile is this system which relies on trust. If one person were to become greedy and decides to have more for himself, the cycle is broken.

That's the reason why I say the world needs love. Love empowers us to do many things, many things usually labelled impossible. Labels, can be removed, mind you.

Love seems to be a general term, to encompass trust, sharing, thinking alike, and almost everything nice you can think about. Yups,
love, is a very lovely thing.

The day we love one another, is the day we are willing to trust one another. The day we are willing to trust one another, is the day we are willing to share with one another. The day we are willing to share with one another, WILL BE the day we would love on another more, and WILL BE the day our problems be solved.

If everyone thinks about others first, I am certain, no one will be left out, and everyone will benefit. Somehow, although this deal sounds good, no one seems to want it. A sad thing really.



sometimes, being the best isn't best for you.

he closed his diary at {22:33}

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Probably 1 of the thousands of babies born in 1993,
Got his first whack on the ass on the morning of 030993. It was a Friday.
Preparing to face the world now in Catholic High School.

This guy is/was a:

:;Part D UDI:: 2008 (technically, but not in name)
::Part A UDI:: 2009
in the CHS NCC (Air) Unit
::Programmes Coordinator:: of the CHS Prefectorial Board.
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Last but not least, he THINKS he is a pretty nice guy :) (He actually is.)

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I blog what i like =] i like many things.

I ♥ her

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