Dear Diary...
February Bdae Celebration.
mercredi 18 février 2009

Today is Wednesday! haha. So we had our birthday celebration thingy today haha!

FEBRUARY BABIES! ZD is included. Nobel not included. lol

Look at the partay~! haha.

DURIAN CAKE :D The 2 small cakes are mango cakes meant for prefects who do not wish to have durian. haha. :D

Excos had to pay extra 2 dollars each to buy that luh. And then Wei Lun and I had so little cake :( 吃亏. lols

And some not so nice thing happened during recess. we had some PSG mothers who came to the Secondary School Canteen to scold/lecture/chide the students who did not return their plates to their respective receptacles and urge them to.

Then in the end so many students came to me to say that the idea was stupid. I was like,"It's not my idea!" :( Kena blame for nothing. Neh mind lor! But worst is some ppl say that we can stop doing duty le, got parents do. Which is quite...true lor.

Why? The parents doing our duty is like a damned slap in our faces. We can't do our duties ourselves we need other persons to intervene, which is quite embarrassing. But it's true. We not doing our duties well. Prefects ah..prefects...

Please, don't stand in the queue when duty is not even done yet! It happens everyday during recess. There's no need to hurry. It gets quite frustrating, when Wesley, Jason and I are still stoning at the staircase and you guys are already queueing up for food, and there are still people in the canteen. Very infuriating.

The PCs (not personal computers), are not entirely hopeless, but there's room for improvement.

Physics test after school! OMG luh. Didn't get to study for it. Was very last minute. 40 MCQ questions, only got 62.5% :(. A lot of errors that could have been prevented because those were purely theory, no calculation involved kind of questions. Den there's this thermal properties question that was entirely hopeless. I memorised the way to do that kind of question already, cos Warren Lao ba always go through with me (ty sir war), but right... I WAS CARELESS! Didn't see that stupid unit. Should have converted it into Kg. AHHHHH. Damn stupid. Could have got that one correct. :(

Must mug harder.


PS: i think it has become my daily ritual to blog before doing homework. haha. I think it's quite a good way to destress before setting off to do homework, cos you can do your work with a more peaceful mind. That explains how I got full marks for my SS essay practice :D 13/13 Sorry la, I just have to say it once here lol. Cos i am like very proud of myself :D Especially my conclusion. :D Hope i can achieve that in Prelim 1, Prelim 2, Prelim 3, and in the BIG Os!

he closed his diary at {16:41}

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Probably 1 of the thousands of babies born in 1993,
Got his first whack on the ass on the morning of 030993. It was a Friday.
Preparing to face the world now in Catholic High School.

This guy is/was a:

:;Part D UDI:: 2008 (technically, but not in name)
::Part A UDI:: 2009
in the CHS NCC (Air) Unit
::Programmes Coordinator:: of the CHS Prefectorial Board.
::Marksman::! x3
::Outdoor Adventure Leader::
::2 Star Kayaker::
::Bronze Swimmer:: (i'd drown)
::Pencil artist::
::Vector artist::
::Amateur Photographer::
::Amateur Pool Player::
Last but not least, he THINKS he is a pretty nice guy :) (He actually is.)

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