Dear Diary...
Touching compre passage
mercredi 1 octobre 2008

I wanted to create this post a few days ago. but i forgot.
So here goes.
It's one of the very few chinese compre passages that i enjoyed.


火车上,同座的是一对母子。黄昏时分,母子俩开始有些坐立不安起来,而儿子在窗玻璃上把脸都贴扁了,张望着。   我问那个一直在张望的儿子,有什么事要发生吗?那母亲不好意思地冲我笑了笑,儿子转过身 ...


  我问那个一直在张望的儿子,有什么事要发生吗?那母亲不好意思地冲我笑了笑,儿子转过身来对我说,他爸爸是火车司机,忙得快一个月没回家了。今 天是他爸爸 45 岁生日,他和妈妈想给爸爸一份生日礼物。于是,特意坐这趟火车,希望可以与他爸爸开的那列火车相遇,看一眼他的爸爸。

  我这才知道,妈妈与儿子在火车时刻表上查到,T 79 和T 91 将会在 6 点多钟时,就在湖北孝感区域内的某一个地方相遇。也许这两列火车,擦肩而过的时间为1秒钟,但母子两人,却非常期盼能在这相遇的一秒钟,送上笑脸和祝福。

  过了一会,我们就都听到远处传来另一列火车的轰隆声。贴在玻璃窗上的孩子大声叫着:来了!来了!爸爸的火车来了!孩子的母亲把上半身挪了又挪, 紧紧地贴在窗玻璃上。我们车厢顿时鸦雀无声,而那个激动得不停地抖动身体的男孩,将画有蛋糕的画,死死地贴在窗玻璃上,那蛋糕旁,有一行玫瑰色的字:老 公,保重!一个妻子送给丈夫的全部思念和牵挂,也就由这四个字表达出来。

  很快,T 91 就开过来了。在两列火车相错的一瞬,我只看见,那孩子举着蛋糕大叫着爸爸;那女人,强忍着想要跳起来的身体,安静地贴在玻璃上。

  真的,就是一瞬,一秒钟吧,T 91 与T 79 就完成了相遇的一刻。兴奋不已的孩子从玻璃窗前撤下来,他的母亲还愣在玻璃窗边。儿子突然抱住妈妈,说道: “ 我看见爸爸了,爸爸朝我笑了。 ” 妈妈只是在笑着,点着头,无言地告诉儿子,她也看见了。她也很兴奋。

  什么样的浪漫更真实动人,更惊天动地?我们看多了烛光、晚餐和玫瑰,但我们却并不为之感动,心不会因爱而生出感恩。眼前这一秒钟的浪漫,平实朴 素,却深深地叫我向往。如果我有爱人,我希望以我的全部,换得这一秒钟。因为,拥有这样的一秒钟,心是踏实的,爱是可靠的,幸福是手掌心里的。

A Second of Romance

On the train was a mother and son sitting on the opposite of me. When evening came, both mother and son became slightly unsettled, the little boy stuck his face on the train's glass window, looking out.

I asked the boy, what is happening? His mother came and smiled sheepishly. The boy turned around and said that his dad was a train driver, he had been so busy that he had not been home for a month already. That day was his father's 45th birthday, he and his mum would like to give his dad a birthday present. So, motehr and son specially took this train, hoping that their train would pass his father's train, so that he can get a glimpse of his dad.

Then i knew that motehr and son checked that T79 and T91 would pass by each otehr at around 6 in the evening. Maybe the trains would cross each otehr's path in a second, yet both mother and son anticipate that second of reunion, so that they can send their smiles and well-wishes.

After a while, we heard a train's rumbling from afar. The boy who had his face stuck to the glass window shouted,"It's coming, it's coming! Dad's train is coming!" The boy's mother twisted her torso, sticking herself closely to the glass window. Our train carriage was silent, our hearts were all touched to the core. The excited young boy twisted his body without stopping, placed a drawing of a cake on the glass window. Beside the cake was the mother's well wishes, "Take care, hubby!" A wife's well-wishes and misses for his husband was expressed in just 3 words.

Very quickly, T91 passed us. That moment when both trains crossed paths, i only saw the boy raising the picture of the cake, shouting for his father, the mother silently stuck herself to the glasswall, silently. Really, it was just a short moment, in one second, T91 and T79's intersection was over and done. The estatic child tore himself away from the glass window, into his mother's embrace, saying,"I saw dad! Dad smiled at me!" The mother only smiled, nodded her head and replied to her son that she saw him too.

What kind of romance really is touching and shocking? We have seen so much of candlelight, dinners, roses. But we never are touched by those, our hearts will not be thankful out of love. Before our eyes is a second of romance, not something big and expensive, and yet it has hooked by attention. Because, this second of romance reminded me that we should always be appreciative. Having such a second of romance, our hearts will feel secure, our love can be relied on, happiness is in our hands.

pardon my poor translation and poor vocabulary. 感动吗? touching rights?
a second of romance...coolio.

那一秒的浪漫, 可望不可求...


he closed his diary at {16:48}

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Probably 1 of the thousands of babies born in 1993,
Got his first whack on the ass on the morning of 030993. It was a Friday.
Preparing to face the world now in Catholic High School.

This guy is/was a:

:;Part D UDI:: 2008 (technically, but not in name)
::Part A UDI:: 2009
in the CHS NCC (Air) Unit
::Programmes Coordinator:: of the CHS Prefectorial Board.
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Last but not least, he THINKS he is a pretty nice guy :) (He actually is.)

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I blog what i like =] i like many things.

I ♥ her

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