Dear Diary...
samedi 21 mars 2009

This is called 50 FIRST REACTIONS. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it! Repost it for all of your (bored) friends. Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!

1. Beer: belly.

2. Food: lunch.

3. Relationships: family.

4. Your CRUSH: paper plane that crashed.

5. Power Rangers: red green yellow and blue.

6. Life: ups and downs. brilliant roller coaster ride (don't puke)

7. The President: that's me.

8. Yummy: hmm. grandma's cooking.

9. Cars: I've no idea why Felipe Massa just came to mind

10. Movies: chick flicks. lol

11. Halloween: boo.

12. Sex: 3 letter S word.

13. Religion: gods and goddesses and deities

14. Hate: 以德报怨

15. Fear: nothing but a 4 letter F word.

16. Marriage: Kids.

17. Blondes: Taylor Swift. LOL

18. Slippers: Rider.

19. Shoes: New Balance

20. Asians: Me.

21. Pass time: Time to pass the ball?

22. One night stand: Woah. Before Sunrise.

23. My cell Phone: Sony Ericsson.

24. Smoke: Fire.

25. Fantasy: hoho. m***y tswift

26. College: Study. Mug. Study. SCHOLARSHIP.

27. High school life: Catholic High. Coming to a close.

28. Pajamas: bananas

29. Stars: Those Stars Burn Like Diamonds

30. Center: Circle

31. Alcohol: Alcoholics

32. The word love: short profound word.

33. Friends: A TV show?

34. Money: you can never have enough

35. Heartache: heart pain.

36. Time: like money, never enough

37. Divorce: shouldn't happen.

38. Dogs: Cats.

39. Undies: wth. hang loose.

40. Parents: mum and dad

41. Babies: awesome

42. Ex: 2 letters don't mean anything

43. Song: Mroe more more Taylor Swift.

44. Color: monochrome

45. Weddings: by 25.

46. Pizza: Pizza hut.

47. Hangout: home.

48. Rest: play.

49. Goal: achieving them

50. Inspiration: nature.

Au Revoir


he closed his diary at {12:56}

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Probably 1 of the thousands of babies born in 1993,
Got his first whack on the ass on the morning of 030993. It was a Friday.
Preparing to face the world now in Catholic High School.

This guy is/was a:

:;Part D UDI:: 2008 (technically, but not in name)
::Part A UDI:: 2009
in the CHS NCC (Air) Unit
::Programmes Coordinator:: of the CHS Prefectorial Board.
::Marksman::! x3
::Outdoor Adventure Leader::
::2 Star Kayaker::
::Bronze Swimmer:: (i'd drown)
::Pencil artist::
::Vector artist::
::Amateur Photographer::
::Amateur Pool Player::
Last but not least, he THINKS he is a pretty nice guy :) (He actually is.)

He has so many likes, dislikes, and wishes that they have to be put into lists below. read more...

I blog what i like =] i like many things.

I ♥ her

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