(Clockwise: Brownie, strawberry Tart, some random tart, peach tart)

Boo... The cher took away the bottle of green tea before i can take a pic of it. haha. LOOK AT THAT FOOD!!!
Tadahhhh... My complete set :) Actually i dun drink green tea, but the teacher give me le, can't say no rights...
Watched Stealth today at home. :) I a bit lag la. haha. 3 years late l0l. Quite nice lor. Edi/tinman developed a conscience. Totally cool. The ending very dramatic. Quite touching :) robots have a heart too 0.0. I think its a nice show, partly because of those hot, fast mass destructive planes, and that robotic eyeball, EDI. :) But Henry's death very sad... :( But i loved the part when EDI and Ben worked together. Dam cool. I WANNA FLY...
I'll fly a UCAV one day, if they lower the restriction for eyesight, that is.
(on a computer, that's all)